Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Road Less Traveled

I believe it is important to be passionate about a job. If some one is passionate about their job then i believe they will make an effort to do it better. As people begin to lose passion for what they are doing their level of effort goes down. No one wants to wake up every morning to do something that makes them miserable. Even if your job is not meeting your money expectations, at least you are happy with what you're doing. In most cases the individuals that are happy with what they are doing are usually making a large portion of money. I would rather be doing something I enjoy and receive less money, then do something I am not satisfied with and earning a little bit more. Next year I will be attending the University of Victoria. I am currently accepted to their Engineering program. I decided to pick engineering because physics and math class are my favorite subjects in school. I feel it would be great in this career path because I am very interested in these subjects. I will hopefully do well in these studies and receive a degree in electric engineering. My first year will be general and after that I will start to specialize and head in the direction I want. At this point in time I am interested in electrical but may end up leading into computer engineering or mechanical after my first year. If I'm not interested in it and it doesn't work out, I will then look into another direction for something else that I would want to do for the rest of my life.

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