Thursday, June 10, 2010


People should not be allowed to post absolutely anything they desire up on the internet without some sort of warning label on it. This label informs the person so they are aware of the contents that it contains. People can then read the warning labels and make their own decisions if they want to participate and view it. The forms up on 4chan allows anyone to say anything anonymously lets people express their own opinion and what they truly think without anyone else knowing. If people don’t want to see it then they shouldn’t go to those kinds of forms. In the case of books in school libraries, I think someone should be able to monitor what the children are reading. Parents should be involved in this; they could have some sort of rating program where parents state what they wish their children are allowed to read. Even if a student tries to disobey these rules, they will not succeed in signing out that book. If the parents change their mind, they can sign a form to allow their children to access that kind of material. Students should wait til they are mature and ready to make their own decisions. "We can do a better job of making sure that kids only have access to age appropriate books in the school libraries". They will follow these rules and have certain materials censored. Material that is online and has proper warning labels shouldn't matter because if kids go on those websites at home it will be under their parents supervision and they will be blamed.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


What is right and what is wrong? Your perspective and how you see the world makes up actions. The famous saying "one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter" can be portrayed in two different ways. Depending on which side of the conflict you are on, you will either be seen as a the good guy or the bad guy. To the people you are fighting against, you will be seen as a "terrorist" and anyone trying to liberate you from the enemy will be seen as a hero "freedom fighter". A comparison to this is the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia. The KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) were the so called "terrorists". The rebel fighters fought Serbian forces trying to prevent the genocides and ethnic cleansing from occuring. By doing so, the KLA was considered to be terrorists. Through out Yugoslav, shown over national television were videos of the genocide of innocent civilians. There were captions in Serbian claiming to eliminate the terrorists and that every Albanian was a terrorist. To the Albanian people of Kosovo the members of the KLA were the freedom fighters trying to save innocent lives. Depending which side of the conflict you were on there are two ways the same picture can be seen. What i saw the Serbian army to be was completely opposite to what a Serbian might have seen it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Novel Journal Entry

" ' It is impossible to found a civilization on fear and cruelty. It would never endure.' " Orwell 281

Stalin's intentions during the Russian Revolution to expand communism can be portrayed by this quote, in the novel 1984. Stalin maintained a specific system when controlling his people. He killed, tortured, and convinced his people to fear him. The reason I decided not to compare this quote to Hitler is because Hitler didn't put fear within his own people, while Stalin did. The use of propaganda by the Soviets were very important at this time. The big posters of Stalin appeared everywhere for people to see. If Stalin thought people were against him, then people would be killed on the spot. The lack of food and education made the people rely on the government for their basic needs. Soviet Union fell apart in 1991, leading to the end of communism. Oceania was able to maintain control by using the each individuals greatest fear against them.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dreams take you on journeys

As people begin to pursue their dreams the obstacles along the way can send them on many different journeys. For Rajdeep his dream was to grow up to be a professional soccer player. As a young boy Rajdeep grew up watching his favorite South American soccer player, Diego Maradona, who came from a similar life style as Raj. Raj’s family lived in the shady area of Sabinas Mexico just south west of San Antonio Texas. With poverty around every corner and no opportunities in his village becoming noticed would prove to be a difficult task. At the age of seven, Raj’s lack of knowledge of an outside world different from his own made him think it would be easy to achieve his dream one day, but as he grew older Raj could see there were no opportunities for him in Mexico and started asking his father to move to America.

Just before Raj’s tenth birthday Jaswinder, Raj’s father, had saved enough money for the two of them to be guided in to the United States. Wanting the best for his son, Jas waited till the boy was old enough to understand the situation. On September 13 Raj was woken up at 3:00 am “Rajdeep get up, it’s time to go.” They boy still half asleep got up clumsily “papa I wanna take my soccer ball”, “No” his father replies “only your clothes”. Raj and his father meet up with a man dressed in dark jeans and a navy blue polyester jacket his father gives the man what looks to be over $500 dollars American and begins to ask the man how they will go across. The man brings they two up to a fence about 3 meters high with barbed wire hanging off the top the man walks up to a section of the fence and unlocks a small lock which was holding the fence together not to rise suspicion when border control came through the area. The man gives Jas a hand bag and tells him to follow the compass due north all the way to Fort Stockton. When they get there they are to use a pay phone and call the number provided to them in the bag.

It was almost 8:00am and the sun had been beating down on them for hours. The desert was so bright and hot that if people were exposed to it for more than 2 hours they could die from dehydration. Luckily Jas had brought a large bottle of water with them and every so often he would pour it over Raj’s head to keep him from passing out. As they came to the payphone, Jas called the number on the card and let the person to whom he was speaking to know that they have made it. They are then told to wait to be picked up and then they will be transported to a safe location. A lady in a 1980 brown ford pulls up to Raj and Jas and tell them to hop in. “Glad to see you have made it” she says to them. “Thank you for helping us on our journey” says Jas. Raj and Jas are taken to Fort Worth, just east of Dallas, and Jas is provided with a job as a hotel grounds keeper which pays under the table and an apartment complex to live in. Raj begins school and joins the soccer team, with practice and determination he becomes the captain of his school soccer team for the next 5 years.

In his senior year Raj lead his team to the state championship and was offered a full ride scholarship to play for the University of LA. Raj has been scouted by the LA galaxy and is one of the youngest players to play in the MLS alongside David Beckham. Raj’s father is now retired and is the number 1 fan of his son’s team.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Road Less Traveled

I believe it is important to be passionate about a job. If some one is passionate about their job then i believe they will make an effort to do it better. As people begin to lose passion for what they are doing their level of effort goes down. No one wants to wake up every morning to do something that makes them miserable. Even if your job is not meeting your money expectations, at least you are happy with what you're doing. In most cases the individuals that are happy with what they are doing are usually making a large portion of money. I would rather be doing something I enjoy and receive less money, then do something I am not satisfied with and earning a little bit more. Next year I will be attending the University of Victoria. I am currently accepted to their Engineering program. I decided to pick engineering because physics and math class are my favorite subjects in school. I feel it would be great in this career path because I am very interested in these subjects. I will hopefully do well in these studies and receive a degree in electric engineering. My first year will be general and after that I will start to specialize and head in the direction I want. At this point in time I am interested in electrical but may end up leading into computer engineering or mechanical after my first year. If I'm not interested in it and it doesn't work out, I will then look into another direction for something else that I would want to do for the rest of my life.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I'm going to be reviewing the popular TV show "The Office".

Since the start of the series in 2005, The Office has been a well rounded show that has many viewers every week. It is about a struggling paper company facing closure and reflects on the lives of the employees at the paper company of Dunder Mifflin. Steve Carell stars as Michael Scott, the main character, and plays the role of a hilarious yet awkward office manager. Michael leads his co-workers through ridiculous methods and sales techniques that are quite amusing and irrelevant to each situation they face. In there everyday work Michael is a major distraction to the rest of the office with his childish and sometimes inappropriate behavior. Carell does a great job of keeping the audience entertained and wanting more. The Office is like no other TV show. At times it can be so awkward that it makes cringe and makes you think it isn't funny. In every episode Michaels corny jokes and witty remarks that keep the viewers entertained but depending on the mood a person is in sometimes it isn't funny. Over all the show is so different from any other that it keeps the audience happy.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


We were 24 seconds away for the gold medal. We couldn’t let the country down again. The stadium was roaring “Go Canada Go… Go Canada Go” they were getting louder and louder, but in a split second it went silent. The puck was behind me I had let it in. 60 minutes of game time had gone to waste. We would have to fight harder, dig deeper, and hang in a little longer. It was the peak of my career. We were now in to OT and there was no room for error, I needed to keep focused, minutes felt like hours and each time the puck had been in our zone it made my stomach turn. Crosby had the puck going hard to the net, but had the doors closed on him by 2 defenders. The puck went to Iginla, Iginla set it back to Crosby, and Crosby shoots, he scores. We had won the gold. It was over, I threw my arms up skating over to the rest of the team, I had never felt anything like this before. Winning a gold medal in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics is greater achievement then the winning the Stanly cup.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Standard Car

This is an easy instructional blog to teach you how to drive a standard car.

The difference between a standard car and a automatic car is that in a standard car you have to shift gears as you accelerate by hand and that you have 1 extra pedal on the far left called the clutch(next to the brake pad).

First learn where the gears are located. This is a diagram showing where they are located.

After learning the shift pattern you are ready to start driving a manual car. The first gear is your largest gear and as you move up they get smaller and smaller. to switch between gears the clutch always has to be fully engaged

1) Turn the car on by engaging the clutch in fully with your left foot and turning the key

2) Depending on if you’re going forwards or in reverse you are either going to put it in to the 1st gear(all the way to the left and up) or R(all the way to the left and down)

3) Keep the clutch engaged and slowly start removing your left foot off the clutch while keeping your right foot on the brake. When you hear the sound of the engine change and you feel the nose of the car lift up remove your foot off the brake and start applying the gas and removing your foot from the clutch simultaneously.

4) As you start moving forward release the clutch fully and give it more gas.

5) When approaching 15 to 20Km/h or 25oo RPM

6) Shift to the next gear by

7) Release the gas

8) Apply the clutch

9) Put it into the following gear.

10) When you are in the next gear start appling the gas while removing your foot off the clutch.

11) As your RPM gets to about 2500 to 3000 repeat steps 6 to 10

12) To come to a stop, start to brake and as you come to the stopping area engage the clutch in and then fully stop.

If you don’t push the clutch in the car will stall and turn off because the engine isn’t getting enough gas to keep moving in the gear that you are in. When it does so that is called stalling the car. This can be embarrassing if done in publicly

With patience and practice you will be driving standard in no time. In time you wont not have to think about doing the steps listed above it will come natural to you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The world’s top 3 football countries.

These countries have been chosen by the number of times they have won the world cup, how many times they have appeared in the world cup, and the number of great players that have come from their country

1) Brazil is my number one pick because they are the only team in the world to make the tournament every four years since 1930, and out of all the competitors Brazil is the only team to have won the world cup 5 times out of the 19 world cups that have taken place. They placed first in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, and in 2002.Out of the long list of great players that came from Brazil, the top 3 that come to mind would have to be Pele number 10, Ronaldo number 9 and Ronaldinho number 10. All three players have won player of the year once if not more in there football career.

2) Italy would have to be second in they are right next to Brazil in number of world cups won.
Italy won the world cup 1934, 1938, 1982, and in 2006. They have had 17 out of 19 appearances in the tournament. Although some people would think that most Italians are all pretty boy divers(which a lot of them are) but they had some great players. Dino Zoff was one of the greatest goal keepers that the world had ever seen. Zoff was the oldest Italian player to lead his team to winning the cup in 82. He also went 2 years with a clean sheet not having a single goal scored on him in international tournaments over 1100 minutes of game time. Other great players would include Franco Baresi who was a world class midfielder both for AC Milan and the Italian national team. Something about the Italians makes them great goal keepers. Gianluigi Buffon practically led his team to the cup in 2006. Even in other sports like hockey one of the best goaltenders (Luongo) is Italian.

3) The third great football nation would have to be Germany. With 3 world cups under their belt and a never ending list of legendary players puts them in this top spot. Germany won the world cup in 1954, 1974, and 1990. Like Brazil the Germans have placed in the top 3 at least 10 times out of the 19 world cups that have taken place. They have had the same number of appearances as Italy. Some players that have changed the level of football for the Germens would have to be players like Franz Beckenbauer, Gerd Muller and Michael Ballack. Beckenbauer and Muller were the best players of their time. Michael Ballack was one of the youngest Germens to captain the team making his debut in 2006 when they hosted the world cup.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


If i could have any superpower it would have to be the ability to answer any question that anybody asks of you, or any question you ask your self. Having this super power would really give you the ability to have any super power you wanted. You could solve any world problem, how to become rich, or how to be the most powerful person in the world. If you wanted to teleport somewhereyou could do it. By having this superpower you could answer the question "how can i fly" and you would be able tell yourself how to fly.